Przejdź do treści

Currently, we provide access to the ‘Arts & Sciences III‘ collection, consisting of 152 journal titles related to: philology and literary studies, music, film, folklore, performing arts, religious studies, fine arts and art history, architecture and architectural history.

Titles in collection

Since March, 2024 the access to electronic databases subscribed by UKSW is carried out using the Hidden Automation Navigator system (HAN). HAN is an automatic authentication system, working on a proxy basis, using the Microsoft365 UKSW login.
There is currently a transitional period in which remote access, as well as from the UKSW network, requires login via Microsoft 365 UKSW. After the transition period, access from the University network will not require a login.
The current remote access platform, Pulpit UKSW, will be deactivated.

In case of an error when using/logging in to the JSTOR database via the HAN service (outside the UKSW network), it is possible to log in alternatively from the publisher’s website after logging in to the institutional account. Login and password can be obtained via the form below.

JSTOR – alternative remote access form

    Fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed.
    Service available only for University Staff, doctoral students, students and postgraduate students.