1. Borrow limit:
Categories of Users | Number of volumes | Time (number of days) | Renewal | Max. borrow time including renewal | Deposit |
Full-time Student | 10 | 30 | 30 | 60 | |
Part-time / Extramural Student | 10 | 42 | 30 | 72 | |
Student studying more than one course (after having the request application accepted by the Library Director) | 15 | 30 | 30 | 60 | |
Students with disabilities (on presentation of a certificate from the Office for Persons with Disabilities of UKSW) | 10 | 90 | 30 | 120 | |
Doctoral Student | 20 | 90 | 30 | 120 | |
Academic Teacher | 25 | 180 | 30 | 210 | |
Postgraduate Student | 5 | 42 | 30 | 72 | |
Students of the courses organized at the UKSW | 5 | 42 | 30 | 72 | 50 PLN per 1 volume |
Researcher | 10 | 30 | 30 | 60 | |
Library employee | 25 | 180 | 30 | 210 | |
Managerial Staff | 30 | 180 | 30 | 210 | |
Rectors | 30 | 365 (1 year) | 30 | 395 | |
Retired UKSW employees; External Doctoral Students related to the UKSW by a supervisor | 5 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 50 PLN per 1 volume |
Employees on civil law contracts | 5 | 30 | 30 | 120 | 50 PLN per 1 volume |
UKSW Graduates | 4 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 200 PLN/year |
The MOST program Students | 5 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 50 PLN per 1 volume |
Erasmus program Students | 5 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 50 PLN per 1 volume |
Users of the Warsaw Reciprocal Borrowing Programme (SWW – BiblioWawa) | 5 | 30 | 30 | 60 |
2. Fee for overdue
The fee for overdue is set out in § 5, par. 6-11 Rules and Regulations of Sharing Collections in the UKSW Library:
- The fee for overdue one book is PLN 50 for each day of delay. The fee is calculated automatically by the library computer system. (par. 6)
- The library reader recognizes the applicable fee, as well as the possibility of seeking it in court before the court competent for the UKSW headquarters. (par. 7)
The fee for overdue can only be made via bank transfer. Payment must be made by bank transfer to University account: Santander Bank Polska 80 1090 1014 0000 0001 2338 8216, UKSW, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa within 7 days from the date of return of the book (§ 5, par. 8). Information about the payment to the account is received a minimum of 2 days after making it. Only after this the library account lock is released.
3. Materials that can not be borrowed:
- library materials available “only on-site” and “Available at Biblioteka UKSW – Dewajtis Czytelnia Teologiczno-Kanoniczna” or “Available at Biblioteka UKSW – Dewajtis Czytelnia Humanistyczna”, or “Available at Biblioteka UKSW – Czytelnia Nauk Prawnych – Wóycickiego / Biblioteka Nauk Prawnych – Wóycickiego / Biblioteka UKSW – Wóycickiego Czytelnia ogólna – Wóycickiego”
- works included in the reference collections of the reading rooms and laboratory,
- newspapers and journals,
- books published between 1801-1950,
- objects in poor condition and incorrect prints and “small volumes”,
- special collections (including diploma theses),
- microfilms.
4. Orders
Materials can only be ordered electronically via an individual user account.
5. Library account
The Reader has ongoing access via the Internet to data on his library account, including the date of account validity, the current state of loans, current orders and reservations, and with special fees. The UKSW Library is not obliged to send individual notifications about the status of a library account.
The Reader is obliged to monitor his library account, regulate the obligations due and immediately reporting any irregularities.
6. Library card
The library card entitles you to access to the library collections and collect the order. Any of the following documents can be used as your Library Card:
- Electronic Student/Doctoral/Academic Staff ID Card
- UKSW Access Card (UKSW employees only) – after activation in the Library,
- Postgraduate Student Card,
- Warsaw City Card (for retired UKSW employees, Research and Teaching Staff on civil law contracts, visiting professors at the UKSW, electronic doctoral student card for external doctoral students related to the UKSW by a supervisor). “Login PRIMO” account is valid for one year “Login PRIMO” account is valid for one year,
- Electronic student ID card [including Mobile Student ID Card (service within mObywatel application – portal gov.pl) of UKSW student], doctoral, employee or Warsaw City Card of reader of The Warsaw Reciprocal Borrowing Programme (SWW – BiblioWawa).
Part-time students and students of the courses organized at the UKSW who do not hold the above-mentioned cards but have their USOS account, must present an evidence of current student status from their UKSW unit at the Lending Room.
7. Availability statuses
When browsing the online catalogue, the status of the book is visible, e.g.: “Dostępny w Biblioteka UKSW – Dewajtis Magazyn I – Dewajtis”, “Dostępny w Biblioteka UKSW – Wóycickiego Magazyn II – Wóycickiego”, “Dostępny w Biblioteka Nauk Prawnych – Wóycickiego Magazyn Nauk Prawnych – Wóycickiego”, “Niedostępne” or “Dostępne w Biblioteka UKSW – Dewajtis Czytelnia Teologiczno-Kanoniczna” or “Dostępne w Biblioteka UKSW – Dewajtis Czytelnia Humanistyczna” or “Dostępne w Biblioteka UKSW – Wóycickiego Czytelnia Nauk Prawnych – Wóycickiego”, “Biblioteka Nauk Prawnych – Wóycickiego”, “Biblioteka UKSW – Wóycickiego Czytelnia ogólna – Wóycickiego”.
8. Pickup of requested item
Home library | Pickup location |
The Library of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw – Dewajtis | UKSW Library – Dewajtis (K-303) or UKSW Library – Wóycickiego (building. 23, 1st floor, r. 110) |
The Library of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw – Wóycickiego | UKSW Library – Wóycickiego (building 23, 1st floor, r. 110) OR UKSW Library- Dewajtis (K-303) |
Law Sciences Library | Law Sciences Library (building 17, ground floor, r. 1708A) |
Materials at the Lending Room can be picked up after approx. 30 min. from sending a request, except when they have been ordered:
- books ordered between. 5.30 p.m. – 9.00 a.m. – they can be picked up after 9.30 a.m. 9.30
- request for books was send after 5.30 p.m. on Friday – thay can be picked up from 11.00 a.m. on Saturday.
- request for books was send between 2.30 p.m. on Saturday and 9.00 a.m. on Monday – they can be picked up from 9.30 a.m. on Monday
Books must be picked up within 3 days, when the library is open to readers.
9. Book renewal
Renewal is an extension of the deadline for returning borrowed books. It is only possible if the item has not been ordered previously by another user.
The total loan period may not exceed the sum of the days of the statutory loan and the 30-day renewal period. The renewal is available 7 days before the designated return date and is allowed until the day before the deadline. The first renewal in the library system may last 30 days. Another renewal is allowed according to the information from the library system on the library account, depending on the date of the first renewal. The sum of renewal days cannot exceed 37 days.
In special cases, prolongate can be obtained via e -mail or telephone contact to the Lending Room. The reader should provide the librarian with his/her surname, first name and UKSW ID from USOSWeb. A reader applying for a renewal by e-mail should receive a reply to his letter containing the applicable deadlines for returning the books. Sending a request to the Library for an extension of the loan period for books does not constitute a renewal.
10. Overdue loans
Any overdue item on your account unables placing a new book request. The library account is unlocked after making the payment. Information about the payment to the account is received a minimum of 2 days after making it (it is also possible sending the payment confirmation to the library).
11. E-mail notifications
Electronic notifications with confirmation/decline of the requests, information about the approaching return date or overdue notices are sent to the readers’ e-mail addresses.