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MLA International Bibliography with Full Text

MLA International Bibliography with Full Text logo

Free trial access to MLA International Bibliography with Full Text database (including MLA Directory of Periodicals).

MLA International Bibliography with Full Text combines an extensive over 1000 collection of full-text journals with the definitive index for the study and teaching of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts. Opracowana przez Modern Language Association (MLA) bibliografia o zasięgu międzynarodowym obejmuje publikacje naukowe od początku XX wieku do chwili obecnej, w tym artykuły z czasopism, książki, rozdziały w książkach, serie, tłumaczenia, wydania naukowe, strony internetowe i dysertacje. Database contains also MLA Directory of Periodicals* and MLA Thesaurus – controlled vocabulary of more than 675,000 subject terms, names and works used in indexing the materials listed in the bibliography. It was developed by the MLA and is continually revised and expanded to reflect current terminology in its disciplines.

Trial access is active utill 31 July 2023.

Content includes:

  • 1 202 full-text journals
  • 841 full-text, non-open access journals
  • 645 active full-text, peer-reviewed, non-open access journals
  • 309 active full-text, peer-reviewed, non-open access journals with no embargo

*The MLA Directory of Periodicals provides detailed records for journals and book series published in the bibliography’s areas of coverage. It is a valuable resource for scholars seeking outlets to publish their work as well as for librarians working to identify periodical publications that best meet their institutions’ needs.

More information about database

Remote access to database:

Access to MLA International Bibliography with Full Text from outside the UKSW network is possible from (login data are the same as to the USOSWeb). Choose “EBSCO (wszystkie bazy)” after login:

choose database (mark the square next to its name – 1) and click “Continue” (2).
Choosing one of the MLA database to search for

Access to database from the UKSW network:

Database direct link (login is not required).

18 May 2023