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Trial access Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine

Until February 20, 2025, you can use the Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine database for free during the trial period.

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine provides information for students in health sciences programs as well as health care professionals. The database is an excellent source of up-to-date information on a full range of health care, patient and consumer health information topics, including fitness, pregnancy, medicine, nutrition, disease, public health, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, HMOs, prescription drugs, etc. The database provides access to millions of articles from a wide range of full-text journals, magazines, newsletters, reference sources on nursing and allied health topics, as well as hundreds of health-related media presenting medical procedures and live surgeries. Includes a visual topic search tool.

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine homepage view

In order to use the database go to:, and type in full login data according to below examples:

  • „initial of name” (ie. or
  • (ie. or
  • album(index) (ie., etc.).

In the central part of the window there are three search engines that allow you to search by keywords, topics or directly browse publications.

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine search choice

23 January 2025